
This page describes what a Path is how to deal with it in the Swift library.

To navigate through the data, Scout uses paths. A path is a collection of PathElements (basically a wrapper around [PathElement]).


The current available PathElement are exposed below.


Subscript a dictionary.
String representation: a dot "." followed by the key name. Ex: .key.


String representation: an integer enclosed by square brackets. Ex: [2].
Subscript an array.
A negative value targets an element starting from the end.


String representation: the sharp sign '#' encloded by square brackets. Ex: [#]. Get a dictionnary or an array count.


String representation: the sharp sign '#' encloded by curl brackets. Ex: {#}. Get a dictionnary key names in a list.

Array slice

String representation: two integers separated by a double point character ':' and encloded by square brackets.
Slice an array between specified bounds.
No lower means the first element and no upper means the last. Ex: [1:2], [:1], [:10], [:].
A negative value targets an element starting from the end.

Dictionary keys filter

String representation: a regular expression pattern enclosed by sharp '#' signs and preceded by a dot '.' Ex: .#.*#
Filter the keys of a dictionary with a regular expression.

Brackets in the string representation

Everything between brakets will be treated as a key.
Ex: website.(me.acme.com).name will be treated as "website", "me.acme.com", "name".