Install Scout


Use the command:

brew install ABridoux/formulae/scout
It will download the notarized executable from the latest release.


You can download the latest version of the executable from the releases. Note that the executable is notarized. Also, a scout package is provided.

After having unzipped the file, you can install it if you want to:

install scout /usr/local/bin/

Here is a command which downloads the latest version of the program and install it in /usr/local/bin.
Run it to download and install the latest version of the program. It erases the current version you may have.

curl -LO https://github.com/ABridoux/scout/releases/latest/download/scout.zip && \
unzip scout.zip && \
rm scout.zip && \
install scout /usr/local/bin && \
rm scout

Scout version

All Scout versions are described in the releases page.
When deploying a package (with a MDM for example), it might be useful to add the version to the name. To get scout latest version: simply run scout --version (scout version version < 2.0.0) to get your installed scout version. Otherwise, to get the latest version available on the Github repository.

curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/ABridoux/scout/releases/latest" | scout tag_name


You can run scout install-completion-script to install the script to auto-complete commands depending on your shell. After this command, you might want to run the source command for the changes to be effective.

Bash: source ~/.bashrc
Zsh: source ~/.zshrc